How You Can Create 10X Content and Increase Conversions

How You Can Create 10X Content and Increase Conversions

If you are a content creator, you probably know how much the internet is saturated with similar information. There is so much information that it is hard to create something that stands out from the crowd. Like really, we just keep spitting out the same information over and over…with zero regard to accuracy or originality. 


This is where 10X content comes in. Your goal here is not to create better content than the top 10 highest rankings website for your keyword on Google. Nope! The goal is to create content that is 10X better than any of the results on the first page of Google.


And okay, that is easier said than done. But, after all, where do we begin?


That’s what we are here to find out! So buckle up and let’s go!


Start with gaining a deep understanding of a topic

To produce useful and valuable content for readers, you must understand it thoroughly and deeply. Try and get into the reader’s mind and ask yourself, “Why are they asking the question? What do they want to know exactly? Do I answer their core question?”


For instance, if someone types “the top highly rated movies in 2021”, they are searching for a great movie to watch. Here you can research user ratings, awards, popularity, and editorial ratings.


You can then create content around the topic of top-rated movies of 2021. Then you will start to show up in those search results. Remember, when working with titles and keywords with dates, that you will need to create a new post for the new year or update this old page next year. 


Make a list of trending topics in your niche and look at questions being asked in your industry. Don’t know where to start? Check out Quora or Reddit, search topics related to your industry, and see what people are talking about. 


Trends can be located in the same avenues, but also look at Google Trends, which looks at national, local, and even global trends. You can see related topics and how they are trending. You can even find ideas that you never thought of before when looking through this data.


Be unique and stand out from the crowd

When it comes to creating 10X content, you need to be exceptional. This will help set your content apart from the crowd. You can’t just post the same old boring content you always have. 


The idea here is that you want to present information in such a way that it has not been done before. This is because Google will have already ‘seen’ that information before and knows that it is not original. So add memes, videos, sound, pictures, and other types of content to stand out. Did you know that there is a program you can add to your blog to make it into a podcast? We can do that to your WordPress site…just ask!


You can also provide a different perspective than others on a particular topic. For example, I love marketing. Most of my content is written by me (with some assistance from my partner and others). You won’t see many links because I know the information, and I will provide you with simplified versions of a marketing subject. I like to K.I.S.S. because it helps get information across to others and explain something differently. 


In other words, it provides a unique perspective on the subject and one that is not common on every website on the internet.


Find a robust solution to the problem and share it

Most site visits are often done to find a solution to a problem. Readers are searching for answers. They are searching for help. It is up to you to provide that help.


To create 10X content, you have to provide the answer so that many people and devices can understand. Do this with bullet points, numbered lists, and explain the solution in multiple configurations so you can show up in search results. Making the answer too difficult to understand will get you pushed down in results.


Make sure you hit the core of the reader’s problems as you search for an answer. Put yourself in the shoes of the reader. What exactly do you want to solve? How do you want to solve it? Do you want to get a quick and simple answer, or do you want to understand your problem fully?


Search out different ways to solve the problems, then find out the weaknesses in the other methods. After all, a method could solve a problem but still leave an issue. Find out the nitty-gritty about the problem, then come up with a solution that seems full proof, easy and efficient.


Find a great way to present your solution and content

Now it’s time to present your content to readers. Make sure that they at least understand the lengths you have to go through to draw your conclusions. Take them through the solution step by step in simple language.


Help them see the challenges of using each method, for instance, and carefully take your readers through each concept. As you do this, your readers can relate. Eventually, the content should bring them to the best conclusion and the best solution.


For example, we are a small business marketing firm. We offer solutions to small businesses that fit into their budget and get results. We look at the small solutions that make the most significant impact to ensure our clients are visible to their potential customers when they are looking for them. Our unique way of dealing with things is by taking a personal approach to every client. What works for one client may not work for another, and we understand that. Most other marketing firms just provide a cookie-cutter approach, costing small businesses thousands with no results to show in the end.


Final word

Creating 10X content means coming up with something 10 times better than the best rating on Google. This means evaluating the top ratings and ensuring that your offer is of higher quality and solves readers’ problems faster and more efficiently. Research is key to the beginning stages and should never be overlooked. Follow that up by answering questions and putting yourself in your clients’ shoes.


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